Welcome to the Western Beaver County School District!
Notes from the nurse:
❖ Required physicals are grades K, 6th, 11th. We recommend your private physician complete these; however, we do offer free exams from our school doctor in the spring. If you opt for a private exam, please get a copy of the exam and immunizations at the time of the exam and return it to us. Private exam forms are available in the nurse’s office and on Western’s homepage.
❖ Required dental exams are grades K, 3rd, 7th. We recommend your dentist complete these; however, we do offer free dental exams from our school dentist in the fall. If you opt for a private exam, please get a copy of the exam and return it to us. Private exam forms are available in the nurse’s office and on Western’s homepage.
❖ Immunization requirements :
Every student must have:
For Kindergarten:
4 doses of tetanus (1 dose on or after 4th birthday)
4 doses diphtheria (1 dose on or after 4th birthday)
3 doses polio
2 doses of measles
2 doses of mumps
1 dose rubella (German measles)
3 doses Hepatitis B
2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or history of disease
For 7th grade: Tdap and MCV
For 12th grade: 2nd dose MCV
THESE ARE DUE BEFORE THE START OF SCHOOL ..MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOW! The Department of Health in Beaver can assist you with free vaccines if you do not have insurance.
❖ Medications should be given at home if possible. In the event that a medication is needed during school hours, we require a medication form signed by the physician and parent. Medication forms are downloadable on Western’s homepage. The parent should transport the medication to the nurse for review. We do not give OTC meds except for Tylenol/Advil with parental permission.
❖ Emergency cards are updated yearly, however, if there is a change in your child’s health information, contact information, or medications at home, please inform us.
❖ Helpful hints/policies-
If your child has a fever or vomits please keep home.
Please do not give Benadryl or cough medicine and send your child to school- they will likely sleep in class all day
If starting a new medicine- please trial it over a weekend, not before school.
Please call if using laxatives for your child- send in extra clothes.
Please inspect your child’s hair for nits/lice frequently- treat and comb frequently. Please inform us of any outbreaks.
It is helpful to know if your child is absent due to illness. Please call us send in a note, or email us to keep us informed.
Remember to get copies of all exams: physical, dental, immunizations, vision, hearing, etc at TIME OF EXAM or your doctor’s office will most likely charge you.
The Department of Health offers free immunizations for uninsured children.
We have applications for CHIP, dental clinics, and vision clinics to assist the uninsured. Please contact the nurse’s office if you would like additional information.
The nurses are here to help you. If you have any concerns or questions please call or email us.
Fairview Nurse: 724-643-9680 Ext 3004 Fax: 724-643-5568
High School Nurse: 724-643-8500 Ext 1015 Fax: 724-643-8504
Thank you for your cooperation!
Michele Coulter RN BSN
Fairview Nurse: 724-643-9680 Ext 3004
Fax: 724-643-5568
High School: 724-643-8500 Ext 1015
FAX: 724-643-8504
Thank you for your cooperation!
Michele Coulter RN BSN