Special Olympics Fundraiser

Ordering deadline has been extended to Wednesday, January 22nd.

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

and April is Autism Awareness Month! 

Support this event and help raise money for our Special Olympics eligible students by purchasing an Awesome in my Own Way t-shirt to wear to school on Wednesday, April 2nd.  

Complete the order form and return with payment to your child’s school.

Awesome T-Shirt Order Form   

Name:  _________________________  

Phone:  _________________________ 

School/Building: __________________ 

Homeroom: ______________________ 

(Indicate quantity of each size)    

Each shirt is $12 each, add $1 for 2X and $2 for 3X

Youth:    ____Small (6-8)   ____ Med (10-12)   ____Lg (14-16)       

Adult:    ____Small          ____ Med             ____Lg           ____X Lg    

Adult:     ____2X Lg        

Adult:     ____3X Lg    

Total Number of Shirts: __________

Total Amount Enclosed:  __________ (CASH ONLY)