Kindergarten Team

Mrs. Lefebvre

724.643.9680 x3029

Ms. Sobeski

724.643.9680 x3028


Valentine's Day Party

Valentine's Day Parties will be Friday, February 14th!

  • Please make sure to have your child make a Valentine's Day box or bag for that day. We may be passing out Valentine's prior to the party.

  • Please make sure to have your child write their name on the Valentine's they will be passing out prior to sending them in.

Homework on Wednesdays!

Homework will be sent home every Wednesday in your child's folder.


Important Upcoming Dates

  • February 31st: FID Fairview Elementary

  • February 1st: Ordinal Numbers Math Test

  • February 4th and 5th Unit 2 Reading Test

  • February 6th: 100th Day of School

  • February 10th: Snow Make-Up Day

  • February 14th: Valentine's Day Party


Flexible Instructional Days

Flexible Instructional Days are virtual learning days that allows us to provide instruction to your child from home when circumstances (such as weather) prevent us from having a normal school day. Your child has brought home information about their tablets/ worksheet packets to be kept in a safe place just incase we should have these days during the school year. Please email your teacher if you have any questions about FID days.